Whirling Hygrometer Compact Blue Spirit

Whirling Hygrometer Compact Blue Spirit


The Compact Whirling Hygrometer instrument features a 'slide rule' calculator to accurately measure % RH. The body of the instrument can be easily stored in the handle for maximum protection when not in use.Product Specifications: Product Code: SE.31.2866-01 Temperature Range: -5 to +50°C Humidity Range: -5 to +50°C Divisions: 0.5...

SKU: SE.31.2866-01
The Compact Whirling Hygrometer instrument features a 'slide rule' calculator to accurately measure % RH. The body of the instrument can be easily stored in the handle for maximum protection when not in use.

Product Specifications:

Product Code: SE.31.2866-01
Temperature Range: -5 to +50°C
Humidity Range: -5 to +50°C
Divisions: 0.5
Accuracy: +/-1°C
CE:  N/A
Casing Material: ABS
Product Weight: Packaged - 90g / Unpackaged - 73g
Product Dimensions: Packaged - 41 x 213 x 19.5mm / Unpackaged (closed) - 36 x 210 x 16mm
Display Box Weight: 17g
Display Box Dimensions: 41 x 213 x 19.5mm

*Fitted with environmentally friendly LO-toxTM filled glass tubes. 

*(Psychrometer) Compact Blue Spirit

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