Magnetic Compass Map Orienteering

Magnetic Compass Map Orienteering


Magnetic Compass Map Orienteering is an invaluable asset in scientific and laboratory work, especially in geophysics, environmental science, and field studies. Geophysics researchers use it to determine the orientation of geological structures or map magnetic fields in the Earth's crust. Aligning the needle with the Earth's magnetic field helps them...

Size: Small

Size: Small
SKU: SE.31.0163-01

Magnetic Compass Map Orienteering is an invaluable asset in scientific and laboratory work, especially in geophysics, environmental science, and field studies. Geophysics researchers use it to determine the orientation of geological structures or map magnetic fields in the Earth's crust. Aligning the needle with the Earth's magnetic field helps them to gain data about the terrain's geological features and magnetic properties.

Likewise, the compass assists environmental scientists with orienteering in field studies, making reliable sampling locations and recording spatial data for ecological studies and environmental monitoring possible.

Product Code: 

Code Size Dimensions
SE.31.0153-01 Large 140x60x17mm
SE.31.0163-01 Small 70x48x9mm
Additional Information

Small, Large