Density Cubes Set 2cm

Density Cubes Set 2cm


Density Cubes Set is an invaluable resource for educational laboratories, offering students a hands-on opportunity to better understand physical and mathematical concepts, like surface area, volume, and scaling. Furthermore, the uniformity of the cubes facilitates comparative studies and investigations of mathematical relationships. This cube set provides a practical, consistent platform...

Quantity: Set of 5

Quantity: Set of 5
Set of 5
Set of 9
SKU: SE.31.MS0128-01

Density Cubes Set is an invaluable resource for educational laboratories, offering students a hands-on opportunity to better understand physical and mathematical concepts, like surface area, volume, and scaling. Furthermore, the uniformity of the cubes facilitates comparative studies and investigations of mathematical relationships.

This cube set provides a practical, consistent platform for educators and scientists to explore and demonstrate a variety of scientific principles in laboratory settings. Its versatility allows students to gain insight into geometry, physics, mathematics, and engineering principles, facilitating the development of valuable skills for future scientists and engineers.

Code Qty Includes
SE.31.0128-01 Set of 5 Alum, Brass, Copper, Lead, Iron
SE.31.0120-01 Set of 9 Alum, Copper, Brass, Steel, Cork, Lead, Zinc, Plastic, Hardwood
Additional Information

Set of 5, Set of 9